The Spirit of Giving, Receive a Free Marketing Consultation
As a child, I always remember waking up extra early on Christmas morning, jumping up and down on my parents bed and making them wake up to take me downstairs to open presents from Santa. One year, I didn’t even wait for my parents and I just went down to the tree and opened my presents in the dark since I wasn’t tall enough to reach the light. Regardless, I always loved receiving. My face would light up with the beautiful bows and glowing wrapping paper reflecting the multicolored lights of the tree. I loved ripping the paper off of a brand new basketball or, one of my all time favorites, GameBoy Advance. But, like many others, my viewpoint has shifted. I now love to give. Give gifts, give time, give a smile. I enjoy seeing others light up as a result of something I did for them and seeing the joy in their face as they receive the happiness I once sought. Luckily, I’m at a place that shares my same passion for giving. That’s why I am pleased to announce that Cowley Associates will be giving free marketing consultation to any business, start-up or individuals who need it. We’ll help you with a strategy that will jump-start your business and set you on the right path to success…all with no strings attached. Seriously, no pressure, no gimmicks and our recommendations are yours to implement. We do ask one thing, though. Please fill out this form on our “Freebies” page so we have a little more background about you and your company before we meet. If you don’t really think this is real and have questions, I don’t blame you. Not many companies offer up such a great service for free, but we’re really just that crazy about giving back to business who are as passionate as we are about doing great work. Feel free to give me a call at the office (315-475-8453 x231) and I’ll put your mind at ease (my name is Zach by the way, just in case you didn’t see it at the top). All of us here at Cowley look forward to hearing from you and helping you in the spirit of giving! |
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