Experience in Your Industry














Engage Cowley's experience & creativity to advance your organization's goals. And further your mission!

Whether your nonprofit's mission is focused on social services, healthcare, education, the environment, or some other unmet need in the community -- Cowley understands and is adept at developing and implementing communications needed to move you forward.

From branding and positioning strategies; to websites, e-newsletters, and social media programs; to traditional communications like printed collaterals, advertising, outdoor, and videos; to tools and tactics supporting development goals like donor outreach and capital campaigns... We're well-versed in the nuances of not-for-profit marketing and are as passionate as you are about results.

Contact us today to learn how we can help YOU too!

Client Work Samples for Nonprofits

Beaver Lake - Print Brochure

Visit the newly designed and built website at launchcny.org.

LAUNCH CNY - Website
LAUNCH CNY - Branding
Seward House - Branding

View the website at www.sewardhouse.org.

Seward House - Website

Visit the site at middletownhousing.org

Pomeroy - Branding

Visit the website at www.wgpfoundation.org.

The site was created by another agency.  Cowley executed a design facelift based on the new branding.

Pomeroy - Website
Pomeroy - Social Media Headers
St. Agatha Foundation - October 2023 Highlights Video
St. Agatha Foundation - Social Media Posts

Visit the website at gly.foundation

Good Life Youth Foundation - Website Design / Development

Brand Awareness

One of the best ways to get the word out about your organization is to generate buzz. There are several effective ways to do this:

  • Share Success Stories: Is there someone who has benefitted from your organization’s services that has gone on to do great things? Let the community know!
  • Be an Industry Expert: Rather than just sharing or retweeting articles you find on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook, comment on them, and share your business experience and advice. Positioning yourself as an expert makes both you and your organization stand out among the crowd.
  • Share Social Media Content. There are many ways to connect with the community on social media. Keep your audience engaged by sharing news about grant monies received, new hires, event announcements and available volunteer opportunities. You can also share those success stories we mentioned above!

Donor Engagement

The best way to keep donors engaged is to make them feel valued and appreciated. Here a few ways to do that:

  • If someone makes a $100 donation, treat them as if they’ve just donated thousands. Forgo the form letter and write a personal thank-you note.
  • Keep donors informed with regular communication—such as a monthly newsletter—so that they’re always in the loop.
  • It’s also important to listen to donor feedback and ask advice when needed. Remember, your donors are part of your team of “brand ambassadors.” Give them more than one reason to reach out to friends and colleagues who might also wish to contribute to your organization.

Volunteer Engagement

Like donors, volunteers and board members are your “brand ambassadors,” meaning that they are your representatives in the community, whether it’s at networking events, fundraisers or at their places of employment. Here are some ways to keep your volunteers engaged:

  • Keep them informed. Make sure they’re among the first to know when there’s good news to share about your organization.
  • Tap into their strengths: Let them know that you’d like to learn more about them and what they’re interested in doing for your organization.
  • Make them feel appreciated, just as you would your donors. Consider hosting an annual “volunteer appreciation event” to show your volunteers that they are valuable members of your organization. A little goes a long way.

Marketing Strategy

With so many nonprofit organizations in existence today, you’re probably wondering how yours can stand out among the crowd. In the past 15 years, we’ve seen explosive growth in technology and changes in media. As a full-service advertising agency, Cowley is ready to provide you with the best creative strategy, rebranding, website development, graphic design and content management that will reach your audience and effectively deliver your message.


Social Media and Communication

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter—oh, my! The world of social media can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Cowley’s Social Media Manager will work with you to create content to keep your audience engaged as well as increase your organization’s brand visibility (this, in turn, will get the attention of potential customers!) We’ll work with you to determine what types of posts make sense for your organization, as well as how often to post.

We also believe that there is a place for traditional forms of communication. A company newsletter is still considered a useful tool for delivering a clear, consistent message while maintaining a connection with your customer or client base. You can share company announcements, stories about philanthropic efforts in the community, as well as attention-grabbing industry news.

Client Work Samples


Tell us about your company and what keeps you up at night. We’ll work with you to prioritize your marketing initiatives. We’ll keep your information confidential and respond within one business day. Thank you for considering Cowley Associates!

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